Connor Kenney, originally from Clinton, Iowa, grew up loving radio and has a blast talking to you every day. Connor is the Brand Manager for B100 and has been with the station since December 2019. With 10 years of radio under his belt, it's obvious Connor loves radio and talking. Connor was the champion of B100 Proof Vodka and the partnership with Knee-High Distilling Co., Muscatine, Iowa's first distillery. B100 Proof Vodka is the first and only radio station-branded vodka in history. Make sure you hang out with Connor while you work, head to lunch, or have a random thirsty Thursday off.
Connor Kenney
Eastern Iowa Teacher Awarded For Motivating And Encouraging Kids
Congrats Mrs. Poster on getting the award of QC Teacher of the Week.
This Iowa Town Was Named One Of The Ugliest In America
The college colors are gross.
Iowa, Don’t Put Your License Plate Sticker Here It’s Illegal
There's literally a square for you.
Iowa, Stop Calling This Food By The Wrong Name
It's ground beef.
Iowa Is The Best State To Drive In For The Third Year In A Row
Proof is in the pudding.
Wisconsin Will Be Forced To Say Goodbye To These Refrigerators
Start looking for a new fridge.
Popular Iowa Brewery Restaurant Is Closing Its Doors This Month
The final day is this weekend.