What could possibly feel better than finishing one of the most iconic marathons in the world? Probably getting engaged to the love of your life directly after!

On Monday afternoon, a couple from Des Moines, Iowa traveled across the country to take part in the 126th Boston Marathon in Massachusetts. According to KCCI, 32-year-old Alban Crook and 35-year-old Karen Brophy met in 2014 while working at Hy-Vee and have been together for eight years. Boston.com reports that it was actually Karen who got Alban into running. She ran a marathon for the first time in 2009 and has completed 28 total. Prior to this year, she ran two other Boston Marathons in 2011 and 2012. Alban didn't run his first marathon until 2015, but he's been running in the Boston Marathon since 2018. The 2022 race is the first time the couple has done the Boston Marathon together, and Alban made sure to make the event unforgettable!

Alban spent the two hours and 56 minutes it took for him to complete the race with a ring in his pocket, and he waited 45 minutes at the finish line for Karen to cross. Once she did, he got down on one knee and proposed! Karen told KCCI:

"I'm like, 'what is he doing?' And I felt like it kind of went in slow motion but it was pretty exciting. I'm really excited and it's taken me a minute to process it but I just thought that was really sweet."

How did the couple celebrate their big day? With lobster and ice cream, of course! You can read more about their story on Boston.com HERE.

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