With the swollen Cedar River receding, the clean-up process is beginning in Waterloo and Cedar Falls. Officials in each city updated the progress being made on Monday (Sept. 26, 2016).


City officials were planning to open three bridges that were closed by the flood last week. On Monday, crews were removing the barricades from the 11th and 18th bridges over the Cedar River and the Westfield Avenue bridge over Black Hawk Creek. They expected all three bridges to be open by Monday evening.

The downtown railroad bridge and the Park Avenue bridge will remain closed for the time being, city officials said. Also still closed is Fletcher Avenue from University Avenue to U.S. Highway 63 (Sergeant Road), due to the flooding of Black Hawk Creek.

The public is urged to obey all road-closed signs as they are posted.

The 4th, 5th, and 6th Street bridges, remained open during the flood, as did the Cedar River crossings on Conger Avenue, and U.S. Highway 63.

City officials are remaining everyone not to drive or walk through flood water. They are also the public to stay away from the river at this time.

Anyone with emergency sewer-related questions/concerns, should call 319-291-4553. For emergency street closure or sandbagging-related questions/concerns please call 319-291-4267.

Residents affected by the flood may pick-up clean-up kits, which include such items as bleach and mops. They are available at two locations: the shelter at the West Gym on the University of Northern Iowa campus in Cedar Falls, and at Fire Station No. 1 in Waterloo (corner of 3rd and Franklin Streets, downtown).

Individuals seeking assistance with flood clean-up, should contact Operation Threshold at 319-291-2065.

Flood damaged items can be disposed of at the National Cattle Congress fairgrounds (257 Ansborough Ave). Each residents' name and address will be required to drop items off. The site will be open from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. starting Tuesday, Sept. 27 and continuing through Sunday, Oct. 9.

Clean sandbags that have not been used can be dropped off at 1314 Black Hawk St. in the fenced-in area. All other sandbags will need to be disposed of at the Black Hawk County landfill or they can be placed curbside. A pick-up schedule will be announced at a later time.

The City will continue to monitor and provide updates as more information becomes available.


City officials are asking everyone to avoid travel in the North Cedar area of the city, unless you are a resident in that area, or are helping a resident with clean-up efforts.

The building division began conducting safety inspections on homes and businesses that took on water, starting Monday (Sept. 26). Electric service equipment that was partially or completely submerged in flood water will be disconnected until repairs have been made and inspected. Other electrical wiring submerged in flood water will need to be removed or replaced.

The inspections are to ensure the safety of Cedar Falls residents. Please call Inspection Services with any questions at 268-5161, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Permits for the repairs are required. Permit fees will be suspended for flood-impacted properties.

Refuse can either be taken to a city dumpster located behind the old bread store at 2816 Center Street, or placed at the side of street. City officials ask that refuse be kept away away from your water valve, if possible.

Many recreation trails in the Cedar Falls area are still under water, or may be covered with debris. City leaders encourage people who are using the recreation trails to use caution.

The downtown businesses are open today and streets in the downtown are reopen to vehicular traffic.

Citizens in need of food, water and cleaning kits can go to the Living Water Church at 1210 Lone Tree Rd., where volunteers and city staff are able to assist from noon until 8:00 p.m.

The North Cedar Fire Station is open and Public Safety personnel are assigned to that location. Drinking water is available at the facility, but residents need to bring their own containers.

Due to flooding, the Transfer Station and The North Main Street Yard Waste Facility will be closed until further notice.

A shelter is available at the West Gym on the University of Northern Iowa campus. Use the east entrance.

The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Cedar Falls is open. Anyone with questions should call 319-243-2700.

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