In advance of the release of Star Wars: Squadrons later this October, Electronic Arts debuted a CGI short film titled “Hunted”. Produced in partnership with Lucasfilm, Motion Studios, and Industrial Light & Magic, “Hunted” serves as a prequel to the new video game. Check out the seven-minute movie, which follows Imperial pilot Varko Grey in the aftermath of the destruction of the Second Death Star:

Throughout “Hunted,” Varko Grey is hit with numerous obstacles. He's left behind by his commander and forced to navigate the foreign planet of Var-Shaa in an attempt to survive. By telling the story from the Empire's point of view, “Hunted” evokes sympathy for the Imperial soldiers who faced the same struggles as those in the Rebel Alliance. The short film also prepares you for the single-player story of Star Wars: Squadrons, in which you fly alongside Varko as a member of Titan Squadron.

Industrial Light & Magic visual effects artist John Knoll previously worked on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and The Mandalorian. Knoll wanted to bring the same kind of visual drama to “Hunted.” “I really admired cinematics from older Star Wars games. I think they’re wonderful stories,” said Knoll in an interview with “It was kind of irresistible to have been offered to work on a standalone short. I felt like we had to do it.”

Star Wars: Squadrons will be released for PlayStation4, Xbox One, and PC on October 2.

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