Dawn of Justice

Go Behind the CGI of ‘Batman v Superman’ with New Visual Effects Featurette
Go Behind the CGI of ‘Batman v Superman’ with New Visual Effects Featurette
Go Behind the CGI of ‘Batman v Superman’ with New Visual Effects Featurette
Take a seat, because what you’re about to read may shock and disorient you: many of the images seen onscreen during the motion picture Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice are a sham. While the completed film may appear to show superheroes valiantly flying through the air and shooting lasers out of their eyes and discussing maternal nomenclature, many of those same scenes were created using sophisticated computer programs, and never happened at all! Not to destroy the magic of the cinema, but we’ve all been lied to. Superman’s not real, he’s just some unusually pretty dude who spent a couple months in a room wallpapered with green screen.