218 On Ramp In Waterloo Closed For Construction
According to a press release from Jamie Knutson, City of Waterloo Engineer, the northbound U.S. 218 on-ramp east of the Iowa 2711A 58/U.S. 218 interchange in Waterloo will be closed to traffic starting Monday night, March 23, weather permitting. The Iowa Department of Transportation is reconstructing the northbound lanes of U.S. 218 from Airport Boulevard to the Iowa 27 interchange.
The first stage of the reconstruction project includes removing pavement on the outside lane and shoulder of U.S. 218, and grading work for the new pavement, The ramp and lane closures are expected to be in place until late May, when the next stage of construction begins. Traffic will be detoured around the work zone using Airline Highway, Leversee Road and Lone Tree Road.