Are Iowans Are America’s BEST Drivers?
According to INC.com, Iowans take the cake as America's very BEST in America! Close behind, our neighbors to the North in Minnesota. YAY Midwest!
Here's what they say for the top 5 BEST driving states:
1. Iowa
Across all categories, Iowa had solid statistics, ranking no worse than 34th in any category. Great job Iowans.
2. Minnesota
Minnesotans were near the bottom (the good part) of the list in almost every category. They ranked 15th in drunk driving, however. Maybe work on that one.
3. New Jersey
Having lived in nine states, I must admit that the drivers here, where I currently live, do seem more careful than in other areas (with a few exceptions of course). Maybe it's our strict rule about not passing on the right.
4. Virginia
Old Dominion scored blandly, which is to say well, on the rankings in all categories. They were 20th in drunk driving, which isn't the best.
5. Ohio
Super steady Ohioans were just safe compared to other states across the board. Their worst ranking was coming in 32nd out of 51 in overall fatalities per 100 million miles.
Seems legit to me. But would it kill people in Iowa to use their blinkers maaaaybe a little more often?
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