Are You A Work-a-holic? Here Are 10 Ways To Tell
I love my job--honestly, I don't think I have many other marketable skills that would help me in a different career. Unless that career allows me to sleep in until 10:00 a.m., in which case, SIGN ME UP.
Even though I enjoy what I do and can't see myself doing much else, that doesn't mean I don't suffer from burnout. And I'm definitely not alone. New research shows that nearly half of working Americans (48%) consider themselves workaholics. But what does that mean exactly? Here are the top 10 signs:
1. You prioritize your work over your personal life. 54% of workaholics said they do.
- I definitely don't spend as much time with the people I love because of "work stuff" even if it's mostly things that can be put off until later.
2. You worry about work during your days off, 51%.
3. You struggle to completely stop working on vacation, 50%.
4. You check your work email at night, 48%.
5. You're often the first person to get to work, and the last to leave, 46%.
- THIS. If I don't pull at least a 10-hour day I feel like there's something I overlooked. I usually have to MAKE myself leave.
6. You feel like you CAN'T take vacation, because you're too busy, 46%.
- I 100% agree with this, because I often have to do 2-3 days worth of work just to take a day off. My wedding/honeymoon is going to give me SO MUCH anxiety.
7. You usually work through lunch, 45%.
- I don't think this is as big of a deal. I usually bring food from home, or I can pop in somewhere across the street, grab a bite, and come right back.
8. You feel anxious if you don't check in or know what's happening at work, 45%.
9. Your friends or family say you work too much, 44%.
- I can't tell you how many times I've had this conversation. My reply is usually along the lines of "Yes, I know. But if I don't check ______, nobody else will."
10. You check your work email first thing in the morning, 39%.
- More than 1/3 of working Americans accumulate nine hours' worth of screen time EACH DAY.
Whether it's out of financial necessity, passion for their work, crippling anxiety, or a combination of each (ding, ding!), you're probably working more than you should. I know I'm taking steps toward working smarter--not harder. Maybe seeing a visual representation will help reduce your work time, too.
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