Here’s How Iowans Can Help Fight The Australian Wildfires
It's a devastating sight to see. More than twenty-five people, 2,000 homes destroyed and an estimated 500 million animals were killed in the raging wildfires that plagued Australia this past Monday. The damage the fire caused burned 15 million acres. To put that in perspective, it's roughly the same size as West Virginia.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the country. Plenty of us, myself included, are wondering what we can do to help the situation. There are a few things we can do that will help tremendously, in any capacity.
Donate Directly to Fire Departments- You can donate straight to fire departments in Victoria and New South Wales. Donations of money are much more effective than donating food or clothing. Donate here.
WIRES- The New South Wales-based Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service Inc., Australia's largest wildlife rescue organization, is accepting donations to fund the rescue and care of animals affected by the fires. Donate here.
Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital- Run by the Irwin family, (yes the crocodile hunter's kin) the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital have raised more than $400,000 to help house flying foxes and koalas who were affected by the fires. Donate here.
There are plenty more ways to help, but these are good starters. Help out a country in need. God Bless.