It sure says something about our work ethic, but it's not great news when it comes to Iowans going on vacation. Apparently, a majority aren't. According to the website Under-Vacationed American, 55% of Iowans had unused vacation days last year. This year a staggering 7,236,795 vacation days still remain unused for Iowans as summer winds down.
It isn't like that everywhere in the US: according to a new study, Americans used an average of 17.2 vacation days last year. That's the most we have spent in almost a decade.
People in Colorado, Virginia, and Arizona took the most days off. Iowans are among the least and likely to use a vacation day, but we're not dead last. People in Montana, Delaware, and Rhode Island took fewer than we did in 2017.
What are you waiting for? Go... now! Take time off! May I suggest the Iowa State Fair as a destination for said vacation?