Iowa’s Puppy Problem… Keep Their Health In Mind
Let me ask you a question. What in the world is better than bringing home a brand new puppy to your family? As a new member of the household your brand new canine companion should receive the same love and care as any member of the family. So what is better than bringing home your new puppy? Making sure he/she is healthy.
A recent study by 'The Humane Society of the United States' reveled that Iowa ranks 2nd worst in 'puppy mills' conditions. In fact, Iowa has 13 offenders that rank among the worst in the nation. These mills are so bad, two Iowa communities have been asked to create ordinances to ban the purchase of commercially raised dogs.
Don't believe me? Here's the report to take a look at yourself: https://www.humanesociety.org/horrible-hundred
Our puppies deserve better. Every dog deserves a loving, caring family, just as a child should. If you want to adopt, there are plenty of shelters and rescues that would be more than happy to help you find the perfect fit for you and your family.
This isn't an overnight issue. It won't be solved today, tomorrow, or even next year. Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying brick every hour. Hopefully, we can move up the chain in the "Horrible Hundred" and in a few years, we shouldn't even be on the list.