After Listener Sees Awesome Lego World In Iowa City, He Shares His Lego World
Back on February 7th, we posted a story about a giant Lego World built in an Eastern Iowa basement. It came from somebody that worked here at the Rock & Roll Mansion. I thought it was cool, shared it, didn't think much of it after that. You can check that one out here.
People enjoyed the story, but one listener said hey, check out this one done locally right here in Davenport. Enter, Steve and his massive collection and Lego World that he built. You can see all the pictures below, and here, is his story.
My Lego Story, from Steve Toft.
I played with LEGO here and there when I was little but it wasn’t a huge part of my childhood. What really got me intrigued and into it was after I found out I was having a baby boy. I watch a lot of YouTube videos and I’m not even sure how I stumbled upon this. There is a YouTuber by the name of Jangbricks. He has one of the most impressive LEGO cities you could ever imagine. I watched it and just thought that would be amazing to have. I decided to go out to the mall and saw some LEGO at Barnes and noble and decided to buy my first LEGO set as an adult, it was a harvester with a transporter truck. My wife and I both built a part of it. Then a few months later we spent the weekend in Naperville to shop and hang out. We found there was a LEGO store in a mall not far away. We bought a police station and several other stations and were hooked. Well, 3 years later we now have close to 300 sets and a small city. I thought this would be so great for my son and me to bond over as he grew up.
When first deciding how to build my city I knew I had to have trains. My dad was big into HO scale model trains so I was engulfed in that growing up and had a lot of fun controlling them. My father-in-law is also a big Lionel train guy as well so my son is going to have no choice but to like trains lol. So when setting up my city I laid the tracks first and went from there. I am also a huge Disney fan so I knew I had to have a theme park. I was so excited when I found out there was a whole line of theme park rides as well as the Disney Cinderella Castle and Disney train. The more videos I watched on YouTube I discovered how people motorized the sets. All my trains are set up and battery-powered to drive as well as my roller coaster, Ferris wheel, and Carousel. The haunted mansion in the theme park is also battery controlled theme park ride. It is an elevator that brings people to the top and then drops them like the Disney tower of terror. It is controlled by a LEGO app that plays scary music and screams. The trains can also be controlled by the app to play whistles as well as other sounds.
My son has started to begin to enjoy the LEGO room as well. He’s getting to an age where he can start to play with the cars and people and not totally destroy them. I started him with his own sets of DUPLO. He loved the DUPLO train set and his cars.
The next step I want to do is bring lighting to the city. There are so many different lighting kits out there and I think it would look great.
Another thing with LEGO people might not realize is LEGO can be a great investment. Lego shells out so many new sets a month that every year hundreds of sets then retire and are no longer for sale through them. This can skyrocket prices on eBay for hard-to-get sets or big sets right after they retire. The ones that do the most seem to be the modular sets. Those are the ones I have on the shelf. They already sell from anywhere from $175-275 and can almost double in price when they retire.
I’m also a huge Mario fan and LEGO recently struck a deal with them. They don’t really fit into my city so I like to display them on the shelves as well as other sets that don’t fit or are holiday-themed. The oldest set in my collection is the red fireboat from 1982.
Look At This Huge Lego World Built In Davenport
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