Lots of Iowans Don’t Know When Cinco de Mayo Is…
This is mal. Muy mal. Ay caramba!
Cinco de Mayo is CRAZY popular in the U.S. (I think we just look for an excuse to drink tequila during the daytime) but there are a lot of things that Americans don't seem to know about this holiday. For example, Cinco de Mayo is NOT Mexico's Independence Day (that would be September 16th...thanks, Wikipedia).
CableTV.com looked at the most popular Cinco de Mayo-related Google searches for every state. And, Iowans apparently have a difficult time remembering WHEN Cinco de Mayo is.
I'll give you a hint ... "cinco" means "five" and "Mayo" means "May."
However, Iowa was not alone. "When is Cinco de Mayo?" was also the #1 search term in fellow Midwestern states Nebraska and Indiana, as well as Arizona--which is REALLY bizarre considering its proximity to Mexico.
**ALTERNATIVE THEORY** People were trying to find out the DAY OF THE WEEK in which to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Going out for margs and queso on a Wednesday? Lunacy. On a Friday? Totally legit.
Check out more fun Cinco de Mayo facts HERE.