It seems like every week some new and ridiculous challenge takes over the world. Well, here's another one. The Mouthguard Challenge. 

Here's how it works. Someone puts an odd shaped mouthguard in their mouth and then attempts to eat something or lots of things. Laughter is supposed to fill the room as the attempt is met with frustration as the "challenger" concludes that there is no way in God's green earth that it's possible to eat with the mouthguard in. Of course, all that is being said as partially chewed food particles shoot across the room and down the "challengers" front.

I suggest not doing this and filming it. There is an obvious choking hazard and with out proper medical personnel, you'll find yourself blue in the face and ready to pass out. Yes, the potential for death is there too.

Thanks to Alex Mandel Vlog via Youtube for the hilarity.

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