The Top 20 Iowa Town Names From Weird To Weirdest
Every state has there own set of towns that have incredibly strange names. Iowa is no exception. As I begin to familiarize myself with more and more of The Hawkeye State, I come across town names that need an explanation, and some that don't. With that being said, here are the twenty weirdest Iowa town names from weird to weirdest.
20). Promise City
19). Unique
18). Correctionville
17). Thirty
16). Andover
15). Last Chance
14). Jamaica
13). Doon
12). Toeterville
11). Climax
10). Loveland
9). Vulcan
8). Lost Nation
7). Defiance
6). Gravity
5). Cool
4). Beebeetown
3). Crab Town
2). What Cheer
1). Hard Scratch
Obviously, this is subjective and some of these towns you may not agree with. But come on, Hard Scratch? Who on earth decided that would be a good name for a town? Am I missing any?