Tips For Saving Money on Back to School Shopping
It's no secret: Iowa kids will be back in the classroom again soon! That thought alone invokes cheers from parents, and jeers from students. But no matter your thoughts, back-to-school can be a costly time for kids and parents alike. With the Iowa Tax Free weekend upon us, and the need to get the shopping done (or started), here's some tips to help you save cash this back-to-school season:
1. Splurge with caution! According to a recent study, almost 70% of parents admit they splurge on clothes during back-to-school shopping, while 50% splurge on school supplies. But why spend a lot on pens and pencils or notebooks? Or even the latest clothes and fashion? A LOT can be saved by cutting back on brand names and doing the spending on the things that last for a long time. A high quality backpack or tablet/laptop can last your high schooler until college.
2. Price match before and after shopping. That's where you look around to see what store or website has the best deal on specific items you need to buy. 10% of parents never do it.
3. Team up to buy in bulk. Classroom supply lists can be long and daunting. Many other parents have the exact same list, so team up with other parents and purchase the supplies in bulk!
4. Wait to buy some items. Your kiddo doesn't need an entirely new wardrobe or a year's worth of supplies on their first day back. By waiting to buy certain things, you can spread the cost across a few months and maybe even get better prices.
(Statistical information from NerdWallet)