What Is The Best Decade in A Persons Life?
Do you feel life has already passed you by? Uh-oh.. A recent survey asked people: What's the most enjoyable decade in a humans life? Think about it for a second. Are you past that decade? Are you 33 now and miss being 21-30? Well here is the full breakdown of what people said -
1. Ages zero to 10: 7% said those are the best years of your life. Really?! You can't even understand dirty jokes yet.
2. Ages 11 to 20: 9%.
3. Ages 21 to 30: 30%, which makes this the most popular decade.
4. Ages 31 to 40: 16%.
5. Ages 41 to 50: 8%.
6. Ages 51 to 60: 5%.
7. Ages 61 to 70: 4%.
8. Ages 71 to 80: 1%.
9. Ages 81 to 90: 0%.
10. Ages 91 to 100: 0%.
Wow, way to come out and support your decade, people 70 plus. Perhaps this survey is the best reminder that no one wants to get old. Here's a suggestion, don't treat your age like anything more than a number. When it comes to maturity, I'm skill 12. And I'm darn proud of it! My family, not so much... 😂