(Video - USA Today)

Personally, we think Minnesota drivers need some help and is the worst driving state in the U.S., but once again we're wrong. Smart Assets just came out with their list of the worst American Driving States.

According to Smart Assests, who looked at percentage of insured drivers, DUI's per 1,000 drivers, vehicular deaths per 1,000 drivers and tickets, this is the top 5 worst driving states:

  1. Florida - This is a no-brainer. Have you driven in Florida? Imagine 1 million 90 year old people driving a minivan or RV.
  2. Mississippi - We're really not sure why they haven't reverted back to horse in this state. Tons of DUI's and only 77% of drivers are actually insured.
  3. Oklahoma - Seriously southerners! Insure your cars! Only 74% of drivers are insured. The south needs some help in more than just driving issues, but we'll save that for a different day.
  4. New Jersey - Yo, like, Yo. Throwing us off our southern state rampage, NJ posts the 2nd most deaths per driver. May be a nice state to walk.
  5. Delaware - Right next door to NJ in Delaware, the race to having the worst drivers in the region is between those two states. Delaware is the only state in the U.S. to boast more deaths per driver than NJ.

We know you're wondering where Iowa falls on this list. Right in the middle at #25, with over 90% of drivers insured, 10 DUI arrests per 1,000 drivers and .13 vehicular deaths per 1,000 drivers.

(Source: Smart Assets)


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