You Won’t Believe Where Iowa Ranks On The Most Charitable States List
Tis the season of giving. How often are you told to go out and give your time and money in the months of November and December? Yes, it's all the time. As a country though, we do an incredible job of giving both time and money. Over the past ten years the United States has generated over 427 billion dollars in money given to charity and over 7.9 billion hours in time given to charity. Not everyone though is giving their time and money equally throughout the country.
WalletHub has generated a list of the most charitable states in the country based on a variety of factors such as, time spent, money given, charities per capita, etc... So, the question still remains where does Iowa rank on this list?
The results are in and Iowa ranks 41st out of 50 states. Yikes, not necessarily where we'd like to be on this specific list. To add insult to injury, our brothers to the north (Minnesota) ranked no.1 overall. Let's make 2020 the year of giving! I'd love it if by next year we crack the top 30.