Buckle Up Cedar Valley; The KFC Fire Log Is Back
You may know that the weather outside is frightful, but the fire, is finger licking good? The fast food fried chicken giant is back at it again, this time delivering that secret blend of herbs and spices in a different form. They're bringing back the KFC chicken scented fire log.
This particular product was created with the aid of Enviro-log, a Yule log manufacturer that uses only recycled materials to wrap the logs in KFC scented wrapping paper. Twitter seems to be reacting in a polarizing manner. The response is either that of true amazement, or utter disbelief. There is no in between. Price might not be on your side however, because the KFC log is going for a whopping $18.99, whereas a six pack of Enviro-log goes for $16. Read the full story on Today.