Experts: Iowans Can Prevent Second, Third COVID-19 Wave By…
Experts already suggest you do this every time you go out, but now according to KCCI, they're saying by doing it, we could prevent a second or third COVID-19 wave. What is it? Simply wear your mask whenever you're in public, regardless of how you feel, or what you are doing.
Seems simple, if not easy, right? Sure, it's hot out, but this seems like a small cost when you consider we could get this pandemic in the rear view. The study, which comes from Cambridge and Greenwich universities, says that
to ward off resurgences, the reproduction number for the virus (the average number of people who will contract it from one infected person) needs to drop below 1.0.
Perhaps best of all, your mask, they say, doesn't have to be a top-of-the-line surgical mask, a simple cloth one is fine and can still prevent additional waves. This study also indicates lockdowns alone will not be sufficient to preventing additional waves.
For now here in the state of Iowa, masks remain optional though, businesses are allowed to have their own mask rules like the ones Menards has put in place. So there you go, the easiest way according to the study to 'crush the curve' is to cover your face when in public.
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