
After One Week of Working Out (VIDEO)
After One Week of Working Out (VIDEO)
After One Week of Working Out (VIDEO)
After you start working out you may feel more energized, you might be able to stairs better, or get in and out of the car easier. Keep it up – because the more you work out – your muscles will be visibly bigger and noticeably more efficient...
A Candle Called “It’s Only Tuesday”
A Candle Called “It’s Only Tuesday”
A Candle Called “It’s Only Tuesday”
This candle from Whiskey River Soap burns for around 60 hours --- which is about the length of a typical Tuesday. The label says the scent is "the smell of slowly dying," but it's actually a spearmint aroma. So, if you're struggling to make it through the day, you can watch this candle slowly burn through your Tuesday afternoon for just $23...
A Movie Trailer if 2020 was a Feature Film
A Movie Trailer if 2020 was a Feature Film
A Movie Trailer if 2020 was a Feature Film
What a difference a year makes: In 2019, you'd be arrested for going into a bank wearing a mask. In 2020 you'd be Thrown out of a bank for not wearing a mask Screen Junkies created an 'Honest Trailer' for a movie version of '2020,' with a little help from Patton Oswalt ...

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