We've teamed up with Cambrian Granite & Stone [web] to award one lucky Cedar Valley mom a unique Mother’s Day gift. A stunning natural stone counter top.

We asked everyone to tell us why your mom deserves to win. The Top 5 entrees were selected, and then the Cedar Valley voted for what they thought was the best "Mom Story". Over 1,000 votes were tabulated, and the winning mom received 29% of the vote.

Congrats to Brenda Hagenow

Mother: Brenda Hagenow
Biologically, my mom only has two children, myself and my younger brother. However, realistically my mom has had hundreds of children over the past 25 years. She is a Para educator for junior high students and it is truly impossible to put into such few words, the impact she has had on so many students as well as my brother and myself. Her top priority in life is to better the lives of all of her kids and she always puts our needs before her own. From supporting my brother and me at our FFA competitions and golf meets, to patiently helping one of her students with their math homework, she is constantly showing her love for all of us. She is our number one fan and I pray that someday, I can be half the mom she didn't have to be. (submitted by Tarissa Hagenow)


Mother: Nancy Hemann
Great strength, grace, and a loving heart are only a few qualities my mom exemplifies. My mom has been a rock for our family through even the worst times. In 2004 my brother, Austin, and my sister, Whitney were killed in a car accident on their way to high school. Mom was always more concerned with my sister and I, and worried about our grief and how we dealt with losing Austin & Whitney. Mom never hesitates to drop everything and come to our side if we need support. Last fall my dad was working an extra job in the fall to help pay bills. He came home late after working in the field plowing, he tossed his sack of snacks that mom packed for him on the counter in the kitchen. He didn’t realize he happened to toss the sack on top of a lit candle; mom & dad quickly put the fire out only to realize the damage left behind. The fire left burn blisters on mom’s kitchen counter, she didn’t get mad because she knew dad was tired and was working an extra job to pay bills. Mom carefully decorates over the burn with a chalkboard so it isn’t noticeable. Please choose my mom! (submitted by Nate Hemann)

Mom: Sue Oldenburger
Sue is my step mom. She has been there for me. She took me to my appointments after I broke my ankle. Stayed with me after surgery and supported me when I had open heart surgery. She always cooks for our family holidays and does all the gift shopping. She fills eggs for the hunt at easter for the adults and kids. She has wanted new counters since moving to this house with orange counters. She has even tried to stain them. (submitted by Shannon Niedert)

Mother: Lanell Nemeth
I am entering my wife on behalf of my son. My son was born last April and I deployed to Iraq weeks after. He is our first born so my wife not only had to deal with the challenges and stress of first time parenting but also of having her spouse deployed overseas. Throughout the last year she has risen above everything thrown her way. She has handled all the ups and downs of military life while raising an infant. My son turns 1 this month and he has grown to be an amazing little boy. All thanks to his mom. (submitted by Ryan Nemeth)

Mother: Deb Wagner
My mom is the most caring, thoughtful and selfless person I have ever met. She has always put myself and my two sisters before anything else in her life. Whenever we need anything , whether it be her surprise homemade treat deliveries to cheer us up when we have had a particularly bad week, a last minute baby sitter for our kids so we can work, a friend to listen or a shoulder to cry on-she will drop what she is doing and be the first person at the door. She has overcome a lot in her life--one of the biggest is a brain tumor in 2002--and has always had a positive attitude no matter what she faces.
She is just as great of a Grandma as she is a Mom. She dotes on her grandchildren and takes them on one on one trips to get some extra special time in to simple places like the library, local bakery or even all the way to Gays Mills to buy their favorite apple donuts.
Her kitchen, well, that needs a little work! The original counter tops are still in the house, from 1978. She HATES them-mainly because they are olive green! She has been wanting to replace them for years. Please consider her for this gift and make her entire year and so she knows just how special and appreciated she truly is! (submitted by Bobbie Bergan)


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