Buzzfeed has compiled a list of 19 things that you should never say to your significant other during a fight -- unless you want see them really pissed off, and I have 10 of them in regular rotation. No wonder I will likely die alone.

You've seen what I look like. I don't have a big margin of error to work with here when it comes to relationships.

These are the ones I use on the regular:

“Why are you making such a big deal about this?“
“I'm watching the game right now.“ (I've interrupted makeout sessions because something sports-related happens on the TV, so this isn't just a blowoff line."
“Here we go again.“
“You’re overreacting.“
“You look cute when you're angry.“ (This is a compliment!)
“Are you done?“
“So does this mean no sex tonight?“
“You knew I was like this.“
“Fine. I’m sorry. Are you happy now?“
“I’m sorry you feel that way.“ (This is the money line. This angers her because there is no appropriate response except to tell me FU.)

There are nine others. I need to work them into the mix for my future ex-wife. It's the least I can do for her. Little does she know "the least I can do" is my specialty.

How do you handle the fights? Hopefully better than me.

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