Technology is your friend, but it's also friends with law enforcement.

ComSonics, a company in Virginia, is looking to expand the use of the radar gun to include the ability to record proof to show that you were texting while driving.

How? The technology itself is similar to what cable repairmen use to find where a cable is damaged; it’s simply scanning for frequencies leaking in a transmission. A bit more specifically, a text message emits different frequencies than that of a phone call or data transfer (like listening to Q92.3 on the RadioPup app), and so can be distinguished by the device from a distance.

There are still some legal obstacles to overcome before the guns find their way into law enforcement vehicles. For instance, they need to ensure that the technology is accurate enough that it can identify which phone was being used in a car containing multiple passengers; if not, law enforcement may only be able to stop cars with just one driver, and the public needs to be assured that the device cannot detect the content within the message.

Texting and driving is not illegal in all states, but it is in quite a few already, and it will probably become a law everywhere soon.

Other than Iowa, these are the states where you cannot text and drive without running the risk of getting pulled over: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada. New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

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