When people complain about the over-commercialization of Christmas, stuff like this is what they are talking about.

Cherry Hill Mall in New Jersey thought a cover charge for families to have their kids visit with the shopping center’s in-house Santa Claus was a good idea.

As in, somewhere between $35 and $50 to just to see (SPOILER ALERT: a dude dressed up in a Santa Claus outfit) Santa good idea.

Let's just say whoever is running the Cherry Hill Mall's social media accounts learned some new words, and the people who run the mall decided to be less evil.

"We have heard and value our loyal customers’ feedback, and as a result, have decided to remove the photo package purchase requirements,“ the mall said.

Now, kids can visit with Santa in his castle for free, although as in years past, there will be a fee similar to the aborted cover charge if they want their pictures taken with Jolly Saint Nick.

Here in the Cedar Valley, Santa will be at College Square Mall starting this Saturday the 21st at 10AM, and starting November 27 at Crossroads Mall in Waterloo.

It's one thing to charge for pictures, you are getting something physical and tangible. But charging to see him? Unless he was this Santa, no thanks.

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