Video game and movie violence not good enough for you? Need to take out your frustrations on some people? What could possibly go wrong with this new app?

Rumblr, an app that connects strangers who want to fight each other, was launched this week. “Rumblr is an app for recreational fighters to find, meet and fight other brawl enthusiasts nearby,“ explains the app’s website.

The location and time of fights are publicly broadcast so other users can come and watch them commit felonious assault on each other. (Sounds like these developers are a little too into Fight Club, which is odd because they are completely disobeying the first rule of Fight Club.)

Fighters can set up a profile listing their age, height, weight, skill level, and wins and losses in fights.

They can also use a chat feature to talk trash to people they’re interested in fighting.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong with this app?

You can sign in and create an account with your LinkedIn account.

What could possibly go wrong with THIS?

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