CRAPPY NEWS – 2/13/17
In today's headlines:
A tourist proves that partying and common sense don't go together, a man blames his phone for his affair, and a British woman is suing for millions because she WON millions...
Key West, FL- A tourist wanted to party on his vacation, but didn't really think this plan through very well.
24-year-old Arizona native Robert Bare was wanting to get a little crazy on his vacay, so he decided to have a shipment of CRYSTAL METH mailed to his hotel room.
He addressed the package to the hotel, and only put his name in the return address. But since it wasn't addressed to anyone specific, one of the employees opened it, found the meth and called police.
When Bare came to pick up the package, an undercover detective posing as a hotel manager handed it over. Bare took the package and was stopped by undercover detectives in the lobby. Cops said Bare told them he'd never used methamphetamine before but wanted to try it. [Miami Herald]
That's still only the 12th-dumbest thing to happen in Florida last week...
Cote D'Azur, France- A businessman is blaming Uber for breaking up his marriage.
He frequently used the ride-sharing app to visit his mistress, but a glitch in the software caused all of his trip requests to show up on his wife's phone. She got suspicious, found out he was having an affair, and left him. Now the guy is suing Uber...for $45 MILLION. [Telegraph]
Welcome to the 21st Century, where ALL personal responsibility gets thrown aside. It was sooooo much easier to cheat on your wife before all this newfangled technology got in the way.
Edinburgh, Scotland- A woman is suing the lottery...for LETTING HER WIN.
In the U.K, you only need to be 16 to play the lottery, and Jane Park became the one of the youngest-ever winners at age 17. Park, now 21, says the money ruined her life.
She blew most of it on partying--like most 17-year-olds probably would--so she's suing the lottery board for negligence, claiming that the minimum age is too young and she was unprepared to handle winning that much.
Park says she's SICK of shopping for designer stuff, STRUGGLING to find a man who isn't just interested in her money, and BURDENED by being a millionaire at such a young age. [Mirror]
If she has any cash left, maybe she should buy the world's tiniest violin...
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