Husband’s Affair Causes Mid-Flight Freakout
This probably wasn't the kind of turbulence he was expecting. Here's 'Crappy News' for Wednesday, November 8th.
Kansas City, MO- I really want to try this technique to get out of an awkward situation.
24-year-old Sean Sykes was pulled over back in September and cops found drugs and stolen guns in a backpack inside his car.
Police kept questioning Sykes back at the station, but the interrogating stopped thanks to Sykes repeatedly passing gas. Or, as the OFFICIAL police report put it, "Mr. Sykes released a loud fart. Mr. Sykes continued to be flatulent and I ended the interview."
The cops let him go without charging him, which is kind of amazing. However, Sykes got pulled over again on Sunday, and the cops found more drugs and more guns. And this time, he couldn't fart his way out of it. He was hit with several federal drug and weapons charges. [Kansas City Star]
We're still waiting to find out if the weapons were silent AND deadly...
Ocala, FL- A cop posed as a john to catch a woman posed as a prostitute.
This is slightly different than the kind of prostitution stings you hear about.
27-year-old April Forest had been pretending to be a hooker in order to entice potential "customers." Then, Forest and her male partner--pretending to be a pimp--would rob the victims with a fake gun. Following this so far? Fake prostitute, fake pimp, fake gun.
The undercover officer made an arrangement to meet Forest at a hotel Thursday night, where she was eventually arrested for robbery. She technically wasn't having sex with anyone, so she couldn't be charged with prostitution. [Ocala.com]
Chennai, India- A flight had to be diverted after a woman found out her husband had been cheating.
The woman, her husband, and their child were aboard a Qatar Airlines flight heading to Indonesia Sunday morning.
While her husband was asleep, the woman used his thumbprint to unlock his phone. She began scanning through his messages and discovered that he was having an affair.
The woman FLIPPED OUT...and caused such a commotion that the pilot had to request an emergency landing.
The family was escorted off the plane and actually had to spend a day in a detention center. Eventually the police decided not to charge the woman, and they sent the family home. [Hindustan Times]
First of all, if you snoop...you're ALWAYS going to find something you don't like. Second of all, your failed marriage is no excuse for causing an international incident.
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