It's in development, and it puts the selfie stick to shame. The people carrying it, however, probably have no shame.

pretend to have a friend with the selfie arm by aric snee & justin crowe:'selfie arm' is a collaborative project that...

Posted by designboom on Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Justin Crowe and Aric Snee have developed a lightweight and portable prototype called the "Selfie Arm" made out of fiberglass, and it extends the phone out like a selfie stick would, but it has a hand attached at the end, so you can be photographed holding the hand.

That's right, it gives you a fake hand to hold so it looks like you have someone's hand to hold. Because -- as the website says -- "nobody wants to look alone while they mindlessly snap pictures of themselves".

I'm available too, and I'm a lot cheaper. In more ways than one!

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