Bank Robber Loses His Keys…Then Loses The Money
Maybe next time, bring somebody with you to hold the bag. This is 'Crappy News' for Tuesday, January 23rd.
Hackensack, NJ- A man found out firsthand the meaning of "adding insult to injury."
57-year-old Daniel Gallagher was crossing the street last Tuesday night when he got hit by a pickup truck.
He was taken to the hospital. And even though they haven't released any info on his condition, we definitely know he survived...because the cops just gave him a citation for jaywalking. Gallagher wasn't in a crosswalk when he got hit, so he got a ticket...and the guy who hit him isn't facing any charges. [NorthJersey.com]
You know you're having a bad day when getting RUN OVER isn't the most irritating thing that happens to you...
Elizabeth City, NC- Donuts ruined a man's life...and it has nothing to do with health.
27-year-old Bradley Hardison won a donut-eating contest put on by his local police department back in 2014. But then he got arrested when the cops realized he was WANTED for three different burglaries.
Hardison received a three-year suspended sentence, which ended in October. But he just got busted again...for robbing a donut shop. It's not clear how they connected him to it...but at this point he's probably near the top of their list of suspects for any donut-related crimes.
Hardison was charged last week for felony breaking and entering, larceny, and safe cracking. [Virginian-Pilot]
Doomed by donuts. I can relate.
Taylorsville, UT- Things didn't go exactly as planned for an alleged bank robber.
39-year-old David Hamson entered the bank early Thursday evening, claiming to have a gun and demanding money.
Hamson made off with an undisclosed amount of cash and went out to his car to escape. However, he left the keys on the counter inside the bank.
Realizing he couldn't exactly go back inside to retrieve them, Hamson tried to run away. But the bag of cash got snagged and ripped open, causing money to fly out of the bag. Witnesses saw Hamson running and called the cops.
Police say a good amount of the money was recovered, and Hamson has been charged with aggravated burglary. He's also been linked to robberies in at least two other cities. [KSL-TV]
To be fair, I forget my keys all the time...
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