Man Tells Cops He Trafficked Pot To Pay For Wife’s Cancer Treatment
I think this guy watched too many Breaking Bad episodes. This is "Crappy News" for Tuesday, February 12th.
Baltimore, MD- A college is warning students to watch out for...a mom.
Police at Towson University have told students and faculty to look for a 50-something woman in a multi-colored scarf showing up on campus.
She's literally walking up to people, showing them a picture of her son on her phone, and asking if they want to date him. Yes...she's acting as a human version of Bumble.
She's been so persistent that TWO different people called the campus police on her. And now they're asking people to report her the next time she comes to the school.[Baltimore Sun]
Because nothing will help your love life more than your MOTHER pursuing women for you.
Devon, England- This guy is in a sea of trouble.
Police found a car upside down in a ditch last Tuesday. The 49-year-old driver told police that he had lost control of the vehicle after swerving to avoid an octopus in the road.
Octopuses (octopi?) are not uncommon in the coastal areas of England--but this octopus would have had to travel more than three miles over hills and fields to get onto the road.
Paramedics determined the man's injuries weren't serious enough to go to the hospital. The offender was arrested for suspicion of DUI. [BBC]
You probably don't need to be a cop to have figured that one out.
Craig County, OK- State troopers searched an RV following a traffic stop last week.
A police dog detected the scent of drugs, and authorities found 114 pounds of marijuana concealed in duffel bags inside the cargo area underneath the vehicle.
Three people were arrested, including Jason Near and his wife, Stephanie Elfman. Near claimed told authorities he was trafficking the drugs to help pay for his wife’s cancer treatments.
Near said he'd made several previous trips from New York to California, picking up 114 pounds of pot each time. He also admitted to paying his source $800 per pound and re-selling the marijuana for $1,200 per pound.
Elfman admitted that she did have cancer, but denied knowing anything about the drug trafficking. [KJRH-TV]
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