Teen Arrested After Spiking Stepdad’s Energy Drinks
A lot of kids have trouble bonding with their stepparents. But it usually goes a little better than this. Here's "Crappy News" for Wednesday, March 6th, 2019.
Providence, RI- This dude might need some touch-up paint. And rehab.
45-year-old Christopher Paolissi was reportedly "zig-zagging" his pickup truck when he struck 41 vehicles last Tuesday afternoon.
Police say Paolissi was visibly intoxicated, and driving about 15 mph when officers stopped him.
He was treated for non-life-threatening injuries at a local hospital, but thankfully, nobody else was hurt.
Paolissi is facing charges including DUI, reckless driving and failure to stop after an accident. [WBZ-TV]
Chonburi, Thailand- A woman got a big sssssssssssurprise.
Chutikarn Kaewthongchaijaruen was getting ready to cook at home when her dogs started barking at her truck. She went outside to investigate and spotted a snake's tail poking out from underneath the hood.
She called for help and rescuers found a 16-foot long king cobra coiled in the truck's engine compartment. They safely extracted the snake and released it back into the wild. [UPI]
I don't hate snakes nearly as much as I hate spiders, but if I saw a 16-foot cobra I would definitely run away. And never drive that car again.
Rock County, WI- A teenager spiked his stepdad's drinks...with cattle tranquilizer.
Last year, 17-year-old Tyler Rabenhorst-Malone started squirting the liquid sedative in his stepdad's energy drinks. The first time he did it, his stepdad started stumbling around, slurring his speech, and had trouble breathing.
It was so scary, he went to the hospital. But doctors told him it was probably from stress, a lack of sleep...and from having too many energy drinks.
The symptoms returned a few months later, and the victim found syringes in his barn, and realized that his stepson was poisoning him. Tyler said he initially thought the gag was funny, and never meant to harm his stepdad.
Rabenhorst-Malone faces a felony charge for placing foreign objects in edibles and another for reckless endangerment. [The Smoking Gun]
I have a feeling his Christmas list is going to be VERY short this year.
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