Woman Mistakes Labor Pains For Food Poisoning, Had ‘No Idea’ She Was Pregnant
This gives a whole new meaning to the term "food baby." Here's "Crappy News" for Tuesday, April 3rd.
Salina, KS- A guy's plan to get back with his ex totally fell through.
A woman called 911 Thursday night to report a possible intruder. Police came but didn't find anyone inside the house. Later that night, she and her boyfriend heard a noise coming from the garage.
They went to check things out...and found the woman's EX had crashed through the ceiling. 25-year-old Tyler Bergkamp got into a confrontation with her CURRENT boyfriend and threatened him with a knife. Police arrived at the home a second time and Bergkamp was arrested.
He's facing charges of aggravated burglary, stalking, criminal damage to property, criminal threat and possession. [Salina Post]
She's probably not going to take him back. Call it a hunch.
Mumbai, India- A woman almost busted a gut...but it was nothing to laugh about.
The 50-year-old woman had been dealing with severe abdominal pain for more than a year but opted for "alternative medicine" until the pain finally became too much to bear. She checked into the hospital, where surgeons removed more than 2,300 gallbladder stones.
Most of the stones measured between 10 and 12 millimeters, or approximately half an inch. [New York Post]
And speaking of weird things happening in your stomach...
Pensacola, FL- A woman mistook her baby for bad Chinese food.
29-year-old Crystal Amerson woke up Sunday morning with excruciating stomach pains.
She assumed it was due to food poisoning from Chinese she'd eaten earlier in the day. As it turns out, it wasn't a "food" baby...but an ACTUAL baby.
Amerson was 37 WEEKS pregnant and going into labor. She claims she was completely unaware of her pregnancy--she didn't get much of a belly, she didn't have morning sickness, and hadn't felt any kicks or the baby moving.
The ambulance got there around 6:30 a.m., and her baby boy was born at 6:59...on the way to the hospital. [PNJ.com]
I'm not the most familiar with the whole "creating a life" thing, but how do you NOT KNOW YOU'RE PREGNANT?
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