America is known for its freedom of religion, and also its spectacular ability to troll people. This is a tale of both. I think.

A Massachusetts Pastafarian has won the right to wear a colander atop her head when she poses for her state driver’s license photo. What is a "Pastafarian", you ask? I'll tell you after you look at this.


Lindsay Miller belongs to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which believes the existence of such a monster is just as likely as the existence of God.

Miller sought legal help from The American Humanist Association after she was initially prohibited from wearing the strainer in her photo. Miller filed an appeal and was scheduled to attend a hearing last month, but the state’s Registry of Motor Vehicles instead decided to let her wear the pasta strainer.

Tetreault, Scott (CMG-Boston)
Tetreault, Scott (CMG-Boston)

If you get an Iowa drivers' license with a colander on your head you will be compensated. The Q prize closet isn't empty!

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